We are a faith community grounded in worship, service, learning, and care for one another.
St Peter’s Grace Episcopal Church has been an active Episcopal presence in the greater Monroe community for over 200 years. Here are some ways in which we connect with God, our neighbors, and the world.
St Peter’s Grace seeks to bring God’s love to people across the world and to people next door.
Chapel on the Green
Every Sunday at 2:00pm, Trinity Episcopal of New Haven, CT, hosts the outdoor Chapel on the Green for the city’s marginalized residents. St. Peter’s Grace is one of the regional churches that signs up throughout the year to help with the brief Eucharistic Service and to distribute approximately 200 bagged or hot lunches. St. Peter’s Grace will host Chapel on the Green on Sunday, December 15th, 2024
Monroe Food Pantry
Throughout the year St Peter’s Grace collects donations for the Monroe food pantry. Parishioners may bring paper goods, canned goods and dry goods with them to church on Sunday. Please click here for a list of current needed items.
Covenant to Care
The Covenant to Care – Adopt a Social Worker program allows St Peter’s Grace to directly meet the needs of impoverished children in our community. We partner with a social worker, who distributes our gifts to the families in her caseload. Opportunities to give throughout the year include Easter Baskets, Back to School Backpacks, Thanksgiving Meal Cards and Christmas Gifts.
AA / Al-Anon
St. Peter’s Grace hosts recovery group weekly meetings. The weekly schedule is:
Daily, 7:30-8:30am — Daily Group
Monday, 7:30-8:30pm, Polish Language AA Group
Tuesday, 12:00-1:00pm — Daily Reflections
Tuesday, 6:00-7:00pm — AA Meeting
Wednesday, 12:00-1:00pm — Over the Hump Group Lunch
Saturday, 7:00-8:15pm — Saturday Night Live Group
Sunday, 7:00-8:00pm — Big Book Group
Christian Education
St Peter’s Grace provides education and formation for parishioners of all ages.
Youth Church School
Children and Youth are part of the life and spirit of St Peter’s Grace Church. On Sundays during the school year, children ages pre-K to 5th grade may attend Church School during the 10:00am service. The classes help guide them as they learn about the faith and hear stories from the Bible.
Adult Education Opportunities
For the 2024-2025 program year, we gather after church (on Sundays when there is Holy Eucharist) for conversation about the sermon, and deeper exploration of the day’s scripture readings.
Confirmation Classes
10th-12th Grade | This program is for students who have not yet been confirmed. “Confirmation is the rite in which we express a mature commitment to Christ, and receive strength from the Holy Spirit through prayer and the laying on of hands by a bishop” (Book of Common Prayer, pg. 860). We are quite literally “confirming” the vows made at our Baptism, and affirming that we wish to continue following Christ and grow as Christians. Please contact Father Derek if you’re interested in being confirmed.
Global Philanthropy Leaders
6th-12th Grade | This program, which originated at St. Stephen’s, Ridgefield, has been used at St. Peter’s Grace for a few years now. We will meet once a month after Church on the dates listed below. This program combines faith formation with faith-in-action, using the microlending platform, Kiva, to make microloans around the world. Kiva's mission is to expand financial access to help underserved communities thrive. GPL generally meets at 9:00am on the first Sunday of the month.
Get Involved
Looking for ways to feel part of a community? St Peter’s Grace offers involvement opportunities for all.
St. Peter’s Grace Readers meet once a month to discuss books from a variety of genres. Click the link above to learn more and to view the schedule of upcoming titles.
Episcopal Church Women (ECW)
The ECW supports St. Peter’s Grace by organizing annual events such as the Holiday Craft Fair and the Parish Tag Sale.
Men’s Group
The Men’s Group organizes various fundraiser throughout the year.
Altar and Flower Guilds
These dedicated volunteers prepare our sanctuary for worship each Sunday.
St. Peter’s Grace youth (or adults!) are invited to be a key part of our Sunday Worship by joining our acolyte program.
St. Peter’s Grace Senior Choir enriches our music each Sunday. Rehearsals are from 9:30-10:0am in the choir loft on Sundays. Additionally, special music events will be scheduled throughout the year. Please see our Events page for more detail.