Upcoming events.

Holly Fair

Holly Fair

St. Peter’s Grace’s annual Holly Fair will take place on Saturday, December 7th from 10:00am to 3:00pm! Join us for Grandma’s Attic tag sale, cookie walk, raffles and more! Visit neighboring Harmony Grange for craft Vendors.

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Lenten Pasta Dinner

Lenten Pasta Dinner

Join St. Peter’s Grace for an evening of fellowship! On Fridays, March 8th and 22nd, we are hosting Lenten Pasta Dinners! Menu for the evening includes ziti with meatless sauce, salad, bread, dessert, and a drink.

Friday, March 8, 2024 | 5:30-7:30pm

Friday, March 22, 2024 | 5:30-7:30pm

Cost: $10/adult, $7/kids under 12

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Lenten Pasta Dinner

Lenten Pasta Dinner

Join St. Peter’s Grace for an evening of fellowship! On Fridays, March 8th and 22nd, we are hosting Lenten Pasta Dinners! Menu for the evening includes ziti with meatless sauce, salad, bread, dessert, and a drink.

Friday, March 8, 2024 | 5:30-7:30pm

Friday, March 22, 2024 | 5:30-7:30pm

Cost: $10/adult, $7/kids under 12

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Festival of Advent Lessons and Carols & Christmas Tree Lighting

Festival of Advent Lessons and Carols & Christmas Tree Lighting

Join us on Sunday, December 3rd at 4:00pm for another beloved, festive service in the Anglican tradition! We will hear the stories leading up to Jesus’ birth, sing beloved Advent hymns, and be surrounded by the beauty of our candlelit church at night. After the service at 5:00pm, we will gather on the Green with Monroe Congregational Church for the annual Christmas tree lighting ceremony.

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Holly Fair

Holly Fair

St. Peter’s Grace will be holding its annual Holly Fair on Saturday, December 2nd from 10:00am-3:00pm!

Browse handcrafted gifts from local craft vendors, homemade cookies from our Cookie Walk, tag sale, raffles & poinsettia sales, and more!

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Evensong & Oktoberfest Fundraiser

Evensong & Oktoberfest Fundraiser

Join St. Peter's Grace for an Evensong Service and Oktoberfest Tasting on Saturday, October 21, 2023 at 5:30pm!

Evensong is beloved by Anglicans/Episcopalians the world over and is based on a sung liturgy. No sermon, no announcements, no communion–just prayers and singing, by candlelight. Evensong service begins at 5:30pm.

Afterwards, we will hold our festive annual Oktoberfest Tasting fundraiser. Enjoy beers paired with food courses! Beverages generously provided by Glen Ro Spirit Shoppe of Monroe.

Tickets will be sold at the door for $30 per person. Please RSVP here for headcount purposes.

Friends and family outside of St. Peter's Grace are welcome!

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Apple Festival 2023
to Sep 10

Apple Festival 2023

Every year on the first weekend after Labor Day, St. Peter’s Church holds its Annual Apple Festival. Craft vendors from all over the Northeast set up tents on the historical Monroe Green to sell everything from doll clothes to jewelry to woodcrafts. There are tons of great food and baked goods, and apples, apples, apples!

The Apple Festival will be held this year on September 9 and 10, 2023.

Please see the Apple Festival page for more detailed information.

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Chapel on the Green

Chapel on the Green

On Sunday, June 4, 2023 at 2:00pm, St. Peter’s Grace will join Trinity Episcopal of New Haven, CT for Chapel on the Green.

Every Sunday at 2:00pm, Trinity Episcopal of New Haven, CT, hosts the outdoor Chapel on the Green for the city’s marginalized residents. St. Peter’s is one of the regional churches that signs up throughout the year to help with the brief Eucharistic Service and to distribute approximately 200 bagged or hot lunches.

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Evensong & A Taste of Spring

Evensong & A Taste of Spring

Join us for A Taste of Spring Saturday, April 29!

On Saturday, April 29th, St. Peter's Grace will host an Evensong service and A Taste of Spring fundraiser. We're bringing back our popular Evensong service at 5:30pm (prayers and singing by candlelight) followed by our annual A Taste of Spring wine and food tasting at 6:00pm. Wine selections provided by Glen Ro Spirit Shoppe of Monroe. Come for one, or both, events as you wish. Tickets for the tasting are $30 per person, payable at the door. Please RSVP on Sign-Up Genius for wine tasting so we have a headcount. All proceeds support the ministries of St. Peter's Grace Episcopal Church.

Feel free to share this event with family and friends outside of St. Peter's Grace. All are welcome!

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Chapel on the Green

Chapel on the Green

On Sunday, January 29, 2023 at 2:00pm, St. Peter’s Grace will join Trinity Episcopal of New Haven, CT for Chapel on the Green.

Every Sunday at 2:00pm, Trinity Episcopal of New Haven, CT, hosts the outdoor Chapel on the Green for the city’s marginalized residents. St. Peter’s is one of the regional churches that signs up throughout the year to help with the brief Eucharistic Service and to distribute approximately 200 bagged or hot lunches.

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Closing Service at Grace Church Trumbull

Closing Service at Grace Church Trumbull

Closing Service at Grace Church Trumbull

Now that we have officially become St. Peter’s Grace, we will celebrate the life of Grace Church with a closing service of Holy Eucharist at Grace Trumbull. The Right Reverend Laura Ahrens will preside, and we would be honored if you would join us.

Saturday, January 28th at 10:00am at Grace Episcopal Church, 5958 Main Street, Trumbull, CT

Our merger is a sign of the vibrancy and mission of both the St. Peter’s and Grace communities, and the new life God has led us to. As we begin our new life together, we will honor the history that is Grace and share in a joyous celebration. We would be grateful if you would be so kind as to RSVP by email to office@gracetrumbull.org or by phone at 203-268-2809.

Members and friends of Grace and the wider community are being invited to share in the festivities. A celebratory coffee hour/luncheon will follow.

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Holly Fair

Holly Fair

St. Peter's Grace Annual Holly Fair has a new twist! Enjoy holiday shopping with local vendors, refreshments, tag sale, raffles, and cookie sales!

Saturday, December 10th | 10:00am-4:00pm

This event will run in conjunction with the Monroe Historical Society's Christmas Hour Tour event which will offer tours of the church. For more information on that, please visit the Historical Society Facebook page.

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Festival of Advent Lessons & Carols

Festival of Advent Lessons & Carols

Festival of Advent Lessons and Carols

Join us on Sunday, December 4th at 4:00pm for another beloved, festive service in the Anglican tradition! We will hear the stories leading up to Jesus’ birth, sing beloved Advent hymns, and be surrounded by the beauty of our candlelit church at night. After the service at 5:00pm, we will gather on the Green for Monroe's annual holiday tree lighting ceremony. Finally, we will round out this festive evening with a dinner in the undercroft.

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Evensong & Oktoberfest Fundraiser

Evensong & Oktoberfest Fundraiser

Evensong & Oktoberfest Fundraiser | Saturday, October 22, 5:30pm/6:00pm

St. Peter's is excited to host an Evensong and Oktoberfest Fundraiser on Saturday, October 22nd! Evensong, 5:30pm | Tasting/Dinner, 6:00pm

Evensong is beloved by Anglicans/Episcopalians the world over and is based on a sung liturgy. No sermon, no announcements, no communion – just prayers and singing, by candlelight (incense will also be used at this service). Afterwards, we will hold our Oktoberfest Beer Tasting and Dinner fundraiser where we'll serve 7 beers paired with 7 food offerings.

The Oktoberfest Fundraiser is $30 per person. Sign up here for your tickets and receive a Paypal invoice. Invoices must be paid by Wednesday, October 19th to secure your spot. No cancellations or refunds after Oct 19. All proceeds benefit the ministries of St. Peter's Episcopal Church.

Feel free to share this event with your friends and family outside of St. Peter's!

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Forging Peace: A Community Day of Interfaith Worship & Action to End Gun Violence

Forging Peace: A Community Day of Interfaith Worship & Action to End Gun Violence

Please join the Mission Committee for Forging Peace: A Community Day of Interfaith Worship and Action to End Gun Violence on Sunday, October 16th from 1:00-3:30pm at Christ Church, Easton (59 Church Road, Easton). The event welcomes people of all ages and faiths to come together for worship and activities such as reworking gun barrels into garden tools at an iron forge, storytime for kids, painting a gun violence awareness banner & writing postcards to legislators.

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Apple Festival
to Sep 11

Apple Festival

Every year on the first weekend after Labor Day, St. Peter’s Church holds its Annual Apple Festival. Craft vendors from all over the Northeast set up tents on the historical Monroe Green to sell everything from doll clothes to jewelry to woodcrafts. There are tons of great food and baked goods, and apples, apples, apples!

The Apple Festival will be held this year on September 10 and 11, 2022.

Please see the Apple Festival page for more detailed information.

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Chapel on the Green

Chapel on the Green

On Sunday, August 28, 2022 at 2:00pm, St. Peter’s will join Trinity Episcopal of New Haven, CT for Chapel on the Green.

Every Sunday at 2pm, Trinity Episcopal of New Haven, CT, hosts the outdoor Chapel on the Green for the city’s marginalized residents. St. Peter’s is one of the regional churches that signs up throughout the year to help with the brief Eucharistic Service and to distribute approximately 200 bagged or hot lunches.

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Tag Sale

Tag Sale

St. Peter’s Community Tag Sale

Saturday, June 11 || 9:00am to 3:00pm

We’ll be selling kitchenware, books, toys, knick-knacks and much, much more! All proceeds go to St. Peter’s Episcopal Church.

If you’re interested in selling at the tag sale or volunteering to help, please email office@stpetersonthegreen.com.

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Wine Tasting

Wine Tasting

Please join us for our 12th Annual Wine Tasting on Saturday, May 7 from 6:00-9:00pm in the Undercroft of the church. Enjoy 7 wines paired with 7 food offerings! Wine selections from Glen Ro Spirit Shoppe of Monroe. Tickets can be purchased in advance at the link below or at the door for $30 per person. Limited seating so don't wait, get your tickets today!


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